Featured News
Congratulations to Matthew Hilliard, Nathan Roberts, and Kiumars Badr for their work being selected for presentation at the AIChE Fall 2019 Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL!
Matthew Hilliard presented his work, titled “Dynamic Transcriptomic Profiling Reveals Novel Short-Term and Long-Term Strategies to Cope with Oxygen Limitation in Scheffersomyces Stipitis,” on Wednesday, November 13th at 1:42 pm.
Nathan Roberts presented his work, titled “Nutrient Recovery from Municipal Wastewater Using a Methanotroph-Microalgae Co-Culture,” on Thursday, November 14th at 8:14 am.
Kiuamrs Badr presented his work in two separate sessions. The first, titled “Genome Scale Model Analysis of Clostridium Tyrobutyricum for Butyl Butyrate Production,” was presented on Wednesday, November 13th at 8:36 am. The second, titled “A Dynamic Genome-Scale Metabolic Network Model for a Novel Methanotroph-Cyanobacteria Coculture,” was presented on Friday, November 15th at 8:00 am
Author Archives: blr0005
Nancy Joined the Group
Nancy Fang has joined the group as a participant in the Biofuels REU/SEED program at Auburn. Welcome to the group Nancy!
Ravali’s Graduation
Ravali Polala has graduated and obtained her B.S. in Chemical Engineering! Congratulations Ravali and we wish you the best of luck in the future.
Andy and Min Published in
Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Andy and Min got their work “An Improved Dynamic Method to Measure kLa in Bioreactors” published in Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Congratulations to Andy and Min!
Ravali Joined the Group
Ravali Polala has joined the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome to the group Ravali!
Dr. Wang Named Associate Editor for
the Journal of Process Control
Dr. Wang was named as an Associate Editor for the Journal of Process Control!
Tomi Joined the Group
Tomi Adekoya has joined the group as an undergraduate researcher. Welcome to the group Tomi!
Meng and Andy Published in ACS Sustainable
Chemistry & Engineering
Meng and Andy got their work “Elucidating Xylose Metabolism of Scheffersomyces stipites for Lignocellulosic Ethanol Production” published in ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. Congratulations to Meng and Andy!
Xiu’s Preliminary Exam
Xiu Wang has successfully passed her PhD preliminary oral exam while presenting her work “Variable Selection for Industrial Process Modeling and Monitoring”. Congratulations Xiu!
Meng’s Graduation
Meng Liang has officially graduated and obtained his Ph.D. degree. Congratulations Meng and we wish you the best of luck in the future!
Meng’s Ph.D. Defense
Meng Liang has successfully passed his oral defense for his Ph.D. The title of his research is “Experimental and In Silico Fermentation of Glucose and Xylose with Scheffersomyces Stipitis”. Congratulations Meng!