Featured News
Congratulations to Matthew Hilliard, Nathan Roberts, and Kiumars Badr for their work being selected for presentation at the AIChE Fall 2019 Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL!
Matthew Hilliard presented his work, titled “Dynamic Transcriptomic Profiling Reveals Novel Short-Term and Long-Term Strategies to Cope with Oxygen Limitation in Scheffersomyces Stipitis,” on Wednesday, November 13th at 1:42 pm.
Nathan Roberts presented his work, titled “Nutrient Recovery from Municipal Wastewater Using a Methanotroph-Microalgae Co-Culture,” on Thursday, November 14th at 8:14 am.
Kiuamrs Badr presented his work in two separate sessions. The first, titled “Genome Scale Model Analysis of Clostridium Tyrobutyricum for Butyl Butyrate Production,” was presented on Wednesday, November 13th at 8:36 am. The second, titled “A Dynamic Genome-Scale Metabolic Network Model for a Novel Methanotroph-Cyanobacteria Coculture,” was presented on Friday, November 15th at 8:00 am
Author Archives: blr0005
Dr. Wang Awarded over $200,000 from NSF
Dr. Wang received an NSF award ($244, 942) for the project: Cybermanufacturing: A novel process data analytics framework for IoT-enabled Cybermanufacturing. Update: This story has been covered by Auburn News Hub here.
Andy Published in
Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Andy got his work “Comprehensive evaluation of two genome-scale metabolic network models for Scheffersomyces stipitis” published in the Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Congratulations to Andy!
Alex Joined the Group
Alejandro (Alex) Zamora has joined the group as a participant in the Biofuels REU/SEED program at Auburn. Welcome to the group Alex!
Xiu Published in
Journal of Process Control
Xiu got her work “Comparison of variable selection methods for PLS-based soft sensor modeling” published in the Journal of Process Control. Congratulations to Xiu!
Xiu’s worked accepted in
Journal of Process Control
Xiu’s work “Comparison of variable selection methods for PLS-based soft sensor modeling” has been accepted by the Journal of Process Control. Congratulations Xiu!
Andy’s Work Accepted in
Biotechnology and Bioengineering
Andy’s work “Comprehensive Evaluation of Two Genome-scale Metabolic Network Models of Scheffersomyces Stipitis” has been accepted by Biotechnology and Bioengineering. Congratulations Andy!
3 New Graduate Students Join the Wang Group
William Chaplow, Matthew Hilliard, and Devarshi Shah have joined the group as the newest PhD students. Welcome to the group and good luck with your future research!
Andy’s Preliminary Exam
Andy Damiani has successfully passed his PhD preliminary oral exam while presenting his work “Control Engineering Perspective on Genome-Scale Metabolic Modeling”. Congratulations Andy!
Wang Group at 2014 AIChE Conference
Dr. Wang’s group successfully presented five different talks at the AIChE Conference in Atlanta, GA. 1) Xylose Fermentation Kinetics of S. Stipitis Under Chemostat Conditions- presented by Min Kim 2) New Criteria for Evaluating Variable Selection Peformance– presented by Xiu Wang … Continue reading
Krishane Joined the Group
Krishane Suresh has joined the group as an undergraduate researcher in the Wang group. Welcome to the group Krishane!!