Featured News
Congratulations to Matthew Hilliard, Nathan Roberts, and Kiumars Badr for their work being selected for presentation at the AIChE Fall 2019 Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL!
Matthew Hilliard presented his work, titled “Dynamic Transcriptomic Profiling Reveals Novel Short-Term and Long-Term Strategies to Cope with Oxygen Limitation in Scheffersomyces Stipitis,” on Wednesday, November 13th at 1:42 pm.
Nathan Roberts presented his work, titled “Nutrient Recovery from Municipal Wastewater Using a Methanotroph-Microalgae Co-Culture,” on Thursday, November 14th at 8:14 am.
Kiuamrs Badr presented his work in two separate sessions. The first, titled “Genome Scale Model Analysis of Clostridium Tyrobutyricum for Butyl Butyrate Production,” was presented on Wednesday, November 13th at 8:36 am. The second, titled “A Dynamic Genome-Scale Metabolic Network Model for a Novel Methanotroph-Cyanobacteria Coculture,” was presented on Friday, November 15th at 8:00 am
Author Archives: blr0005
Kyle’s was 1 of 10 Finalists at
2015 Auburn University’s 3MT Presentation
Kyle’s 3MT presentation was 1 of 10 finalists for all of Auburn University.
Wang Group at 2015 AIChE Conference
Min, Kyle, Devarshi, and Matt went to Salt Lake City to present their work at the 2015 AIChE Conference. Dr. Wang served as a session chair. All presentations were very well received. Job well done!
Andy’s Defense
Andy successfully defended his dissertation. His defense is titled “Control Engineering Perspective on Genome-scale Metabolic Modeling”. Congratulations, Dr. Andrew Damiani!
World Renowed Expert on Xylose Fermentation
visits the Wang Group
Dr. Wang’s longtime collaborator, Dr. Thomas Jeffries (Professor Emeritus at University of Wisconsin-Madison), visited Auburn University on October 27-29, 2015 to give an invited seminar and attend Andy’s PhD defense. Dr. Jeffries is the world renowned expert on xylose fermentation … Continue reading
Dr. Wang awarded over $700,000 from DoEd.
Dr. Wang received funding ($738, 195) from the Department of Education to fund GAANN graduate fellows.
Wang Group at 2015 FOSBE Conference
Dr. Wang, Andy, and Kyle attended the 2015 Foundations of Systems Biology in Engineering (FOSBE) in Boston. Andy and Kyle presented two posters (below) at the symposium, both of which were very well received.
Alex Completed REU
Alex has successfully completed his REU work, “Coculture System Monitoring and Analysis”. Alex will return to the University of Arizona for his undergraduate studies. Alex’s AIChE paper can be found here.
Tomi’s Graduation
Tomi has graduated with her B.S. in mechanical engineering! Congratulations Tomi and we wish you the best of luck in your future career.
Min’s Graduation
Min Kim has officially graduated and obtained her Ph.D. degree. Her dissertation is titled “New Experimental and Modeling Approaches to Study the Dynamics of Xylose Fermentation with Scheffersomyces Stipitis“. Below is Dr. Min Kim (left) and Dr. Wang (right). Congratulations!
End of 2014-2015 School Year Celebration
Group retreat at AMF Auburn Lanes in July 2015.