Featured News
Congratulations to Matthew Hilliard, Nathan Roberts, and Kiumars Badr for their work being selected for presentation at the AIChE Fall 2019 Annual Meeting in Orlando, FL!
Matthew Hilliard presented his work, titled “Dynamic Transcriptomic Profiling Reveals Novel Short-Term and Long-Term Strategies to Cope with Oxygen Limitation in Scheffersomyces Stipitis,” on Wednesday, November 13th at 1:42 pm.
Nathan Roberts presented his work, titled “Nutrient Recovery from Municipal Wastewater Using a Methanotroph-Microalgae Co-Culture,” on Thursday, November 14th at 8:14 am.
Kiuamrs Badr presented his work in two separate sessions. The first, titled “Genome Scale Model Analysis of Clostridium Tyrobutyricum for Butyl Butyrate Production,” was presented on Wednesday, November 13th at 8:36 am. The second, titled “A Dynamic Genome-Scale Metabolic Network Model for a Novel Methanotroph-Cyanobacteria Coculture,” was presented on Friday, November 15th at 8:00 am
Author Archives: blr0005
End of 2015-2016 School Year Group Retreat
The Wang group had their annual group retreat at Escape Zone on August 5th.
Five Papers Accepted by
2016 AIChE Annual Conference
Five papers from Wang group have been accepted for oral presentations (3) and poster presentations (2 with one selected as Rapid Fire Presentation) by 2016 AIChE Annual Conference! Good Job, everyone!
Andy Receives 2016 Outstanding Doctoral Student Award
Andy received the 2016 Outstanding Doctoral Student Award. Congratulations, Dr. Damiani!
Kyle receives the inaugural
J. Alley Family Leadership Fellowship
Kyle was selected to receive the inaugural J. Alley Family Leadership Fellowship for his work with the College of Engineering. Congratulations, Kyle!
Two Undergraduates Joined the Group
Aaron Hess and Jacklyn Spence, two undergraduate students, joined the group. Welcome, Aaron and Jacklyn!
Dr. He and Dr. Wang Published in CEE
Dr. He and Dr. Wang paper on biofuels education was published in CEE.
Nathan Joined the Group
Nathan Roberts joined the group. Welcome, Nathan!
Xiu and Andy’s Graduation
Congratulations to the Dr. Xiu Wang and Dr. Damiani! From left to right: Dr. Xiu Wang and Dr. Wang
Min’s Work Accepted in
Biochemical Engineering Journal
Min’s paper, “A Novel Bioreactor to Study the Dynamics of Co-culture Systems”, is accepted by Biochemical Engineering Journal. Congratulations, Dr. Kim!
Xiu’s Defense
Xiu successfully defended her dissertation. Her work is titled “Variable selection for industrial process modeling and monitoring”. Congratulations, Dr. Xiu Wang!